Thursday, November 30, 2006

Something cool--

I have begun my training to become certified in Kung Fu Fitness--

I estimate that I should be able to offer this to my clients, in classes of 2-12 people beginning sometime in February.

Kung-Fu Fitness is a fun, easy-to-learn and effective workout for people of all ability levels.

It has taken the fundamentals of kung-fu and self-defense applications and ingeniously blended them into a heart pumping, calorie burning, fat melting workout that you will love.

If you have never participated in martial arts training before, it doesn't matter. This workout can be modified to fit ANY FITNESS LEVEL. If you've tried other "kickboxing" type workouts, please understand that this is VERY DIFFERENT.

Kung-fu is completely unique when compared to karate, tae kwon do and other hard "linear" styles of martial arts. Kung-fu uses fluid, circular movements which are easier on your joints and gives you "relaxed power."

I am very excited to learn and teach this really cool new fitness theory.

I will keep you updated as soon as I know more---

Wednesday, November 29, 2006

New Developments--

First, if you were expecting to see me hanging around the gym yesterday, I apologize. I had a sick little boy and needed to hang with him.

But while I was home, I made the decision to invest in some REALLY cool state of the art fitness trainer software (I know, I am moving up huh?)--so NOW if you can't either afford personal training or don't have a schedule that allows for one on one training--I have a new feature for you.

It's called VIRTUAL training--sort of---

In esssence, I will design a months worth of workouts for you (24 days of workouts and 6 off days) AND your nutrition plan for that time and at a SUPER cheap rate. You will get your workouts and foodplan DESIGNED for YOUR goals--not some cookie cutter plan---in your email. Simply print the pages, and you are off an running. Of course, as always, you can call me or email me with any questions and if I am in the gym while you are training, I will be happy to help you out with whatever you need.

I will post the info on the website when I have the time to workout on it---but for you BLOG readers---I will be happy to get your started as soon as you are ready.

See you in a couple of days---


p.s. The PODCAST complete with workout music will resume THIS WEEKEND!!!! YEAH!
It will be ONE hour long--perfect to listen to while you workout.

Tuesday, November 21, 2006


Despite what some of your friends may have told you, there is no hard evidence that late-night workouts hinder your sleep---in fact, in one study; men who cycled for an hour and went to bed 30 minutes later fell asleep quickly and slept just as soundly as normal.
As an extra tip, take a dose of Magnesium right before bedtime and experience the greatest dreams of your life. No one is sure why this happens but 84% of all people who consume magnesium before bedtime report a DRAMATIC change in the depth, realism and contentment in their dreams.

No excuses...stop it now!

I know that some of you are thinking that this week is a wasted week because of the holiday---but nothing could be further from the truth--

This is the week that you need to be the MOST diligent and the most dedicated to your goals.


This morning, I knew that I wouldn't be able to go to the gym because Brenden is home and I promised him that he wouldn't have to be at Boys and Girls club during his whole holiday break--so I got up at the crack of dawn---and went back to sleep.

Then later in the day, I decided that missing my workout would be counter-productive to my career, health, attitude and reputation--so despite the fact that the garage was about 30 degrees (pictured)--I went out and hit the bowflex for a HARD back workout and about 50 crunches---

At the end I realized that three things that MIGHT have stopped me, were really no big deal:

  1. It wasn't as cold as it started out to be (burning calories tends to warm you up)
  2. I didn't miss anything important on TV or in my email
  3. My phone didn't melt because of my inability to answer it

Have a great workout today! See you tomorrow!

Monday, November 20, 2006

I almost hated to post today--it moves that stunning female body down a notch!---LOL

But here I am anyway.

I went to the gym today just to hang out--try out all the equipment so that I was familiar with each piece and do some work on the computer--while I was there I realized that I am still so far away from where I was before my accident--it was kinda depressing. I mean this is the first time I have been in a gym as a professional trainer since I got hurt---it was humbling to say the least--

But you know me---humble only goes so far and then I snap out of it!---LOL

So I have ordered all of mu supps---stocked my house with clean food---moved the eliptical to the bedroom so that I see it every morning---bought some new leather lifting gloves and 3 months supply of bottled water (THANK YOU COSTCO!)---

I am going to try with every fiber I have to get down to 16% BF by my birthday (counter on the right) and 11% by the first day of spring---

On another note, I have already picked up two new clients for after the holidays---and will be getting them started on nutrition programs before then--so that they don't gain too much before the 1st of the year--

Have a GREAT Thanksgiving---!!!


Saturday, November 18, 2006

Perfect Female Body--

Wow what a question was asked of me today--

"What is your ideal female body?"

I like great arms, good shoulders, flat (but not ripped) abs, etc...but I guess the primary thing would be the arms--I think good arms on a female shows that she has put in the effort--it's not as easy for a woman to have lean, long arms muscles--and when they accomplish it--it's something to be proud of.

I am starting to get things ready at the gym--we open officially today but I won't actually start trainingf clients until the PT facility is completed--in the meantime I will be doing assesments, working on corporate accounts, doing on-site training, private home training and working on th floor a little bit--

I will try to update the blog at least three times a week from now on---

As you might have noticed, I have changed the web address for the blog--if you have bookmarked it--please change your bookmarks to

See ya soon!


Friday, November 17, 2006

Put up or Shut up time

Well, after spending a year and a half getting back in shape after the accident---and STILL not to where I want to be, I might add---it's time to put all of my certifications and hard work back to the test in the gym.

I am the fitness manager for Anytime Fitness and will begin taking private clients again starting December 1st--

I am still working on the books and still doing my voiceovers, but as most of you know my TRUE love is training and helping people get their FAT ASSES in shape--

The website for my fitness clients is

I will have the whole thing done, but you can check it out now if you like.

I am also thinking about getting certified in Sports Hypnosis---Guided Imagery if you like---

Anyway--I will be training 6 hours a day for the forseeable future and I hope things turn out the way I expect them to. I should be fun.

I guess the trip to California was meant to confirm my decision to retire from radio (that I made 4 years ago)--and it surely did that. I couldn't stand being back in that environment---it's like being a whore---all for the money.

I have the money--its time to do what I WANT to do--so off we go!

Monday, November 06, 2006

Monday again--

It's been a week since the last post--but not much has happened. Though I HAVE agreed to go to work for the new facility in town as their Director of Fitness and Corporate training--so that should be fun. Set my own hours, no weekends--free use of all the facilities etc....I will leave details when I have them. I won't be starting until the first of December when they open.

This weekend we went to fund raiser for the CENTER FOUNDATION here in town--it was an old Hollywood themed event---very fun as you can see from the pics!

The event was fun and raised a ton of money for the CENTER FOUNDATION which helps high school and middle school athletics and athlete medical care in Central Oregon.

As you can plainly see, there was plenty of booze to go around!---