Friday, March 30, 2007
Well vacation is almost over. Lots of fun.
The Whale charter was probably the coolest thing I have ever done. The ocean was very rough--we got soaked!--but we saw 6 whales for a total of 9 sightings. We even got a full tail shot right off the bow and a full breach right in front of us as we were back near the stern on the way back to dock.
Of the 6 boats that went out on Monday, we were the only ones to get actual sightings!!
I will tell you all about it as we talk, I am sure.
The downside to the trip is that I have been doing some serious carb-loading. It's a good lesson for this post because most people don't realize how many carbs you eat when you are on vacation. Because of all the carb loading, I have gained about 12 pounds since I left...that sucks, but I know that it's almost all water-retention from the carbs, salt and glycogen stores---once I get home, I will go carb free for a few days and all that water weight will drop away by Monday or Tuesday---
Which brings me to another point.
I know I have preached to you about the ABs Power Diet and how it's truly the right way to eat--but let's pretend that you have just gone on a 10 day carb binge like I have and you really need a guide on how to eat to get the water weight off--
I suggest that you use the rules in the first phase of the Southbeach Diet. It's takes all the guesswork out of it--it gets your carb intake under control, evens out your insulin levels and gets the glycogen stores to loosen up.
I am not a huge fan of South Beach for all the time, but it's a pretty sound way to kick start some serious weight loss (note: I said WEIGHT loss, not FAT loss)
I know I am behind on posting Julies questions--so here are her answers for WEEK 4
Week 4 questions
Q: 1. How about that week 4 grade?
A: I gave it 100% effort. The workouts were tough, but fun! My muscles were sore and my body was exhausted. Close to the end of the week I began noticing a little definition that I didn't have before. I got really excited and couldn't wait for Monday to roll around so I could start chiseling away again!
Q: 2. Anything new that you hadn't done before?
A: Yes. Kit used a new system for the sets, for which I think I was the Guinea pig. He had me lift the heaviest weight possible, for as many reps as I could, until burnout. I felt it was really effective! I think this approach allows each individual to push to the max at their own level. I love it!
Q: 3. How are you feeling after a month?
A: I really feel that I am getting in shape. I notice in daily activities that I am stronger.
Q: 4. Has anyone noticed any changes in you yet?
A: Yes; I have had a couple of comments about my belly shrinking. Also, I personally can see my back muscles beginning to appear, and have noticed some tone in my upper legs.
Friday, March 23, 2007

A little self-promotion if you don't mind
If you go buy the spring issue of Cascades East magazine and turn to pages 102-104--you can show it to your friends and say "That's my trainer!"
By the way, if you read that whole article--ignore the guy that says you should do Cardio before strength training...he is clearly uneducated and has no idea what he's talking about!
Ok--enough of the ego trip. Let's talk about how you can get more out of your workouts....
Here are three little reminders that I am sure I have told you many many times---but just for the sake of refreashing your memory.
- Log your intentions! If you write down what you INTEND to do, you have made a written promise to yourself--and as we have talked about, it's awfully hard to lie to yourself and let yourself down. So get that log book and get started!
- Finish every set--even if you have to lower the weight to do so. Lowering the weight is and should be your last resort--but I would rather you do that than fail to complete the sets--so all of your reps and you'll be a more successful person in the gym
- Stay hydrated! It's been said in recent studies; that a person who drinks two quarts of water DURING the workout can exercise at an efficiency rate of nearly DOUBLE that of someone who doesn't drink at all---
Have a great week while I am gone on vacation-- I will try to post to the blog a couple of times while I am away!
See you soon!!
Sunday, March 18, 2007
I am not really sure why so many people are being stubborn about their carbs. So let me try to explain it again in simpler terms.
- Start the day with whole grains. If you're partial to hot cereals, try old-fashioned or steel-cut oats. If you're a cold cereal person, look for one that lists whole wheat, oats, barley, or other grain first on the ingredient list.
Use whole-grain breads for lunch or snacks. Check the label to make sure that whole wheat or other whole grain is the first ingredient listed. - Bag the potatoes. Instead, try brown rice or even "newer" grains like bulgur, wheat berries, millet, or hulled barley with your dinner.
- Pick up some whole wheat pasta. If the whole-grain products are too chewy for you (which sounds like a pretty lame excuse to me, but I have heard it), look for those that are made with half whole-wheat flour and half white flour. It's not as good for you, but at least I have eliminated another excuse for you.
This week was a little tough. I did something horrible to my back on Friday. It could be a ruptured disc, could be a pulled muscle, it could be nothing. I have been down all weekend going with the "ice/heat/ice/heat" routine. Hopefully all will be fine this week.
Julie had a tough week as well---I will let her explain in her WEEK 3 questions posted here later!
We have has some new additions to the virtual family this week. In Bend, Cassie and Jan are new this past week---in other parts of the world we have welcomed Cindy, Carl and James in the last week! Welcome one and all!!
Have a great week!!
Tuesday, March 13, 2007
Well after spending 3 days in Portland, getting very little sleep and not working out (long story), I returned to the gym this morning to discover that I was in no shape to work out--at least not mentally.
Julie was there, but she felt a little drained as well. So I did what I could.
But at the end of the workout, I was upset---I didn't work as hard as usual, nor even as hard as I was capable. I phoned it in, so to speak.
Since I firmly believe that a person should be judged by his bad days, not his good--I shook it off, vowed to do better tomorrow and put it behind me. That combined with 200 pushups when I got home, should do the trick.
Now here are Julie's impressions from Week 2---
1. Q: So tell us about week 2. Give us your grade and tell us why.
A: Week two flew by. It seems like I've worked out twice and I have eight sessions behind me.
This week I will grade myself a nine. I did work hard and give it everything except I realized about mid week my attitude could use a little adjustment. I had been constantly suggesting the weight be lighter before I had even tried it. I decided to let the trainer do what he does best and train. It didn't take him long to figure out where I was at. Honestly being pushed is what I needed. That's why I wasn't accomplishing my goals on my own. End of story.
2. Q: You did cardio together in week 2---tell us about that.
A: First, by doing it together I noticed I actually got it done. secondly, it was helpful learning the difference in cardio and fat burning. I used to get on the stair master and go as fast and long as I could... however long that was. Kit's teaching me to burn fat for energy instead of muscle tissue by working with my heart rate.
3. Q: What about the mind/body stuff? Are you picking anything up from Kit about your mind’s connection with your body?
A: I am learning balance in our core strengthening. I am learning to see and feel my arms strong in the middle of a rep when they've locked up and be able to finish the set. I have figured out if I decide in advance I can finish than I can, and if I decide I can't, I can't. It's definitely mind over matter and the clearer your vision is the closer you get to your goal. Success is as close as your intensity.
4. Q: (From Shawna) Does Kit workout as hard as I think he does? Does he make you keep up with him?
A: The proof is in the pudding. Kit is fit, healthy and consistently works hard. He is capable of much more than I am, but he works with me at my level and he's professional enough to know what that is. He keeps it a challenge- but nobody can make you do more than you're willing or dedicated to do.
5. Q: (From Destinee) I worked out with Kit one time and couldn’t walk for two days. I never went back. What keeps you going back?
A: You get to the point that you want to be in shape and healthy for the rest of your life more than you care about the pain it takes to get there. Once you start seeing results it becomes self motivating. You actually feel the results long before you see them, so you know changes are taking place. It's the long-term vision that keeps you coming back. You have to know what you want to become, then there's no stopping you.
6. Q: (From Cindy) Have you guys done anything other than lifting weights?
A: We do a variety of exercises including core strengthening, cardio, weight training and visualization. Other things would include building body resistance with push ups, abs, lunges, stretching, running and rowing etc.
Thursday, March 08, 2007
You know I won't post any of YOUR excuses here. That's private.
But yesterday, I heard two people talking in the gym and the excuse was simply mind boggling.
"Where is (name) again today?"
"Oh. She cut her finger."
"Wasn't that like...8 days ago"
So let's go over the reasons that you shouldn't go to the gym if you are serious about losing weight.
- You or someone close to you died
- You or someone close to you is in the hospital
- You have an injured muscle or major joint (a cut finger doesn't prevent you from riding the recumbent bike!).
- You have the Ebola virus or some other African disease
- You have the flu (The ACTUAL flu..not that thing where you have a stomach ache or a 99 degree fever and you TELL everyone you have the flu...INFLUENZA is actually not quite as common as most people would have you beleive).
- You were burned in an electrical fire at the plant
- You are being held hostage by the Mujahideen
In other words...if you can drive, go to work, go out to dinner, go shopping, etc...You can go to the gym.
Here is the actual reason that the woman with the cut finger missed her workouts with her dedicated friend...are you ready? It's shocking....Here it is:
She didn't want to go.
And that's ok. But at least be honest with your friends and yourself. If you don't want to go to the gym; fine. Don't go. But at least be mature enough and honest enough to tell yourself or your partner that you simply aren't serious enough about losing weight--or getting healthy. There is nothing wrong with that.
The problem is that people who make excuses, are usually the people who complain the loudest about their belly or their lack of fitness or their fat legs or their rolls of back fat or whatever.
Do I want everyone to be in shape? Of course.
But I would rather everyone understand ONE thing. ONE important thing.
When you decide to accept something, you have given up the right to complain about it.
Either change it, or don't. But don't belittle yourself with pretend excuses and made up reasons. Just simply say to yourself "It's not as important to I am not going to do it."
The same holds true for your nutrition. I got an email from someone the other day complaining that they aren't losing bodyfat at the rate that they think they should---I explained again about how to eat--they said that they were doing everything right---
Last night I saw them sitting in Red Robin eating everything wrong.
You have to admit mistakes to yourself before you can change your life!!!!!
Ok---enough preaching.
Julies Week 2 comments will be the next post---watch for them here!!!
Have a great week.
Sunday, March 04, 2007
As most of you know, Julie B. has been working out with me for a week now--
On this blog, we'll be tracking her progress in her own words. Here are her thoughts on Week One!!
Kit's questions vs Julie's answers...
Q: #1. What was your impression of your first week?
A: Let me tell you, the first week has been an absolute scream! I am loving it!!!
You definitely made the right call choosing me for your program!
I like the energy level during our workouts. You do a great job encouraging.
I enjoy working out in the mornings and starting my days off accomplishing a goal.
I feel great the rest of the day. Even the soreness of my muscles is a good pain that I know I've earned and it has to bring positive results.
I am much more aware of my nutritional habits- what and when I eat, knowing that I'll have to work it off, or that it will fuel me for my next workout. It's cool knowing I can effect the outcome by making good choices.
Q: #2 Give yourself a grade for week one and tell us why:
A: I will grade myself a 5 out of 10 for the first week. Here's why:
I didn't know what to expect and now I know I can push myself harder. Most everything we did was brand new; as well as learning the expectations of a trainer.
I feel I had a very informative introduction. All my questions were answered well, Kit gave great demos on the use of the equipment and obviously has a lot of knowledge in his field.
I feel prepared to start week two at a good level 10.
Q: #3 What are the ‘soreness factor’ like? Did you hurt much?
A: The muscle soreness is awesome. It hurts so much to move you know you've just done something great! All you can think as you moan and limp around is "this has got to be making me stronger. This is going to show in a really good way". When you're hobbling around and no one else is, you feel like you're on top of the game. You know you're secretly winning. If it were easy everyone would be doing it. The hard is what makes it great.
Q: #4. What was different than you expected?
A: Although I anticipated the challenge, I am even more excited now to finish out the twelve weeks. Kit has helped me understand the end results so clearly that I am excited to work hard. I look forward to progressively growing stronger, becoming increasingly educated in proper strength training, turning by body into a calorie burning machine and incorporating good nutrition as a lifestyle
Q: #5 You got to experience Kit’s workout called “500s”---what was that like?
A: "500s"...One of the funnest things you'll ever do in a gym. I recommend it to everyone! I won't go into detail explaining what that is. No one did for me... and I feel the surprise is riveting.