Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Doing Cardio a New Way

Today I ordered the Xvest and will do my cardio with it for the next 30 days or so and let you know how it goes.

The Xvest looks like a flak jacket, but is filled with 12, 20, 40, 60 or 80 pounds of movable weight. The jacket is worn while running, hiking or even swimming (yes, it's waterproof)!---the purpose is to make your workouts more difficult but it also increases your strength on a level that you could not do on your own. Imagine skipping rope for a few minutes with 40 extra pounds on your body---now imagine doing that for 2 weeks---now imagine what your body will feel like at the end of that two weeks when you begin skipping rope without the extra 40 pounds!----Strong and light!

Not to mention the extra calories that are burned away using the weight as resistance!

This vest is used by the Navy Seals and Army Rangers...not to mention the NFL, NBA, and many other sports---Holly McPeak, professional women's volleyball player used this to increase her vertical jump by a full FOOT! That's kooky talk!

In my efforts to lose the last little bits of bodyfat and get to looking like the picture on the sidebar, I am going to be using this device--in all aspects of my workouts. So when you see me in the gym--please don't think that I am expecting an assasination attempt!

Saturday, January 27, 2007

My Week---

More than a few people have asked that I go back to posting some personal workout stuff on my blog--I was always kind of confused as to why people wanted that--but this week, I ran across a blog of a guy who is in MUCH better shape than I am and now I am hooked on his life!...LOL

Actually, it's nice to see what kind of weight the guy is lifting, what his cardio is like...etc.

So here we go.

This week I will be doing 100's---this is a trick I learned from a bodybuilder a couple of years ago as a way to trick my body into growth--
Basically, you do two exercises for each body part. On each exercise, you lower the weight to approx 30% of your normal rep weight. Then you sit down, relax--and do 1 set of 100 reps.

You don't deviate from your splits (if you do chest on Monday and Arms on Wednesday--stick to that routine)--.

So for me, Monday will be Back/Biceps---so my workouts will look like this:

Seated Rows
100 reps

Wide Grip Pulldowns
100 reps

Cable Curls
100 reps

Preacher Machine
20 lbs
100 reps

So you can see that it's only two exercises for each body part (Chest and Biceps)---but it's plenty of work. It's 400 total reps in less than 30 minutes---And when you do the math on the weight--that's 7.5 tons of weight moved.

Another thing to note, is that you never ever do 100s will loose dumbells or with a barbell--unless you are using a self spotting rack like a smith machine or a max rack. Always do 100's with machines or cables!!!!

So when you see me in the gym this week---and you happen to see me struggling to lift 20 pounds---please have a little sympathy!

See you later crocodile.

Thursday, January 25, 2007

No gym day--

Feels weird not working out today--but it's an important message that I want to convey to clients--

Make sure you enjoy your life.

Getting healthy shouldn't be a burden in your life, it should be a PART of your life---a part that is enjoyable and something that you actually miss, when you take a day off.

And you get that way by being realistic..setting goals that are easily reachable, finding someone to support you in your quest, etc....

So even though my day off is because it's my birthday..I still KINDA wish I would have gone in today. My body feels like it's almost thirsty for exercise---

I want to thank LISA for reminding me that people actually DO read these posts--!

Thanks Lisa, and welcome aboard!

Sunday, January 21, 2007

I swear to God, I am not lying this time--

I know it's been over a month since I posted to the blog, but I do have an excuse.

I have been diligently working on my new virtual training module. I think it's very very cool and I do believe that everyone will love it once they get used to the changes.

Want to see a tour? Ask me for a temporary password and I will get you in...if you aren't already a virtual training client, please check it and and think about joining us.

As far as my personal life goes, things have been pretty hectic. I have had some (more) dental issues and am considering a full jaw reconstruction---basically it will end all of my issues forever, but will be very inconvenient and painful for about 2 months--we'll see.

Brenden wants to get into spelunking---and that interests me alot more than Rock climbing, so I think in the spring time, we are gonna start. I told many people that my new year's resolution was to get into some kind of extreme sport--and I think we may have found one that we can both get into. It's physically demanding enough for me, but we can ease into it...and it doesn't involve falling great distances--which is always good. The only things we have to really worry about are cave-ins, oxygen depravation and of course, C.H.U.D.s