Wednesday, February 28, 2007

I am so flippin' stoked...

you almost got the 'no-shirt' pic (but not quite)

I got my bodyfat tested today and I have lost 10 pounds of fat and gained 2 pounds of muscle since my birthday one month ago (Jan. 25th)!

My new program is paying of dividends for I am super excited.

As you know, I ballooned up to 25% bodyfat after my accident and it's very very tough getting it off. As I like to say; a fat personal trainer is like a doctor that smokes...

So I had and have no choice in the matter. It's a fact that I have to be below 10% bodyfat before summer time and I am well on my way.


Now on to other things:

If you come to the gym any day at 9am you will see me working out. Unless I am out of town, I am there. Recently you may have seen me working out with a young lady. Her name is Julie and she is my guinea pig for the next 12 weeks. In this blog, you will see her comments each week as she talks about her experiences and results...I have two guinea pigs actually, but Brad doesn't start with me until it's all Julie for now.

I have come up with some new ideas on nutrition and exercise--basically it's simply a new way of wording things that everyone can remember---if you are already with me, it's nothing drastically new---but for the newbies, it will be a good revelation.

Work hard this week...I'll see you soon.

Monday, February 26, 2007

Man alive it was cold!
Ok. Well Ski day was fun. But it was windy and cold up on the hill today. My ankle was not ready to allow me to snowboard yet--so we had to spend most of the day tubing....and spending entirely too much money in the ski shop, the restaurant, etc...
But I got in some good cardio, which is good and had lots of fun...which is the most important thing about hanging out with your kid!

Friday, February 23, 2007

Busy week--

Did I say busy? WOW!!!

I have been swamped with so much this week.

In addition to new clients coming on board in both a virtual level and private one on one sessions, I have also been studying some CEU's with all kinds of new information and exercises.
My diet has changed a bit as I am now launching into a full blown fat cutting mode--so I have been cranky and kind of a pisser---LOL. What can I say, I love my carbs! I have also begun testing a new energy drink and I will pass on the info if I feel that I can recommend it to you without hesitation.
My personal goals have never changed since putting on all the BF after the accident. At the worst, I was 25% bodyfat, and now I am down to a manageable 17%---the goal is to be below 10% by Memorial day---can I get there? I am damn well gonna be close, I'll tell you that much.
So how are you doing on your goals? Did you set realistic ones? Are you remembering that food is meant to be a fuel, not an over-indulgence? Are you remembering that exercise is meant to be a mechanism for improvement, not a chore to be dreaded?
It's hard, I know----but stick with it. Be better today than you were yesterday---I am!

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Oh dear God!

So my Xvest arrived last night.

Here is a short running diary of what happened.

  1. Vest Arrived. There was much rejoicing

  2. Vest was loaded with 80 llbs of weight

  3. Vest was placed in Kit

  4. The rejoicing was lessened

  5. Kit went to sleep

  6. Kit woke up, ate breakfast, loaded vest in his car

  7. Kit arrived at the gym and put the vest on.

  8. Kit wore the vest while doing 30 minutes on the eliptical

  9. There was considerably less rejoicing

  10. And some small amounts of cursing

It was very difficult to do the cross country program on the treadmill and the eliptical---but according to all of the research, 30 minutes of cardio while wearing the vest is roughly equal to doing 90 minutes without the vest. I know that the vest is a good thing.. I just have to get used to it. I am anxious to see the results and to help blast through my plateaus---

I will keep you posted.

2/14---Xvest day one!!!

Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Train with me for FREE!

As you might have seen on the website. I am looking for people to become my 'projects' for the next 12 weeks.

It's a simple concept. You train with me. Do what I tell you to do--and WHAM!--you get in shape!

Call me or email me for details.

I am also going to be starting the golf workouts in March. Watch the schedule for details on the first few seminars. If you are a member of Anytime Fitness, your seminars will be free!!! who is that in the picture? She is one of the most dangerous women in the world--her name is Gina Carano--she is the first female MMA star. Her fight last Saturday night was as dominating a performance as you will see in Ultimate fighting or Mixed Martial Arts--

And I think I love her.

See you around the gym!!
p.s. My Xvest arrived today. I will let you know how it feels to exercise with 80 lbs on my back....

Monday, February 12, 2007

Hey Dude! What's your bench?

Ok I had the opportunity to remember why I lift so much weight 5 days a week.

And I will get to that in just a second, after a quick relevant story.

I was lifting today. It's Monday and like 99% of the world, it's chest day. Everyone works their chest on Monday. Why? probably because you are taught in lifting school and read in every magazine, and hear from every bodybuilder; that you should always lift your weakest body part early in the week and your strongest parts last--

Why do I do it?

Because Mondays are my least busiest days--and Chest is my longest workout---well you get the picture.

Anyway, I digress---

I was working out and the only male in the gym at the time, decided to interupt me (when someone has headphones on--as I did--and a look on their face that says 'I am working, no likey the talkie'--as I did--then don't interupt them) to ask me that quintessnetial man question:
"What's your bench?"

And then I got to give him the same speech I give lots and lots of people--

Here is why I lift and workout so hard--not in any particular order:

  1. To feel good about myself
  2. To look good to anyone that's looking
  3. To be healthy for my family
  4. To be upright 50 years from now
  5. To fight off the age dragon
  6. To continue to recover from the accident that nearly took my walking ability
  7. To be strong enough to play with my son, until he is strong enough to beat me at sports

And that's it.

No where in there is "Dude, so I can bench 300!"

What a person's bench press is no mark of health or strength--unless you are in the NFL. It's a manly question that manly men ask each other in the gym. And that's all.

A bench press isn't really even that great of an exercise if you want to get right down to it--unless it's an incline press--or seated press. But a flat bench is really just a middle ground exercise. It has it's place--and we all should do it---but that's about it.

For the record, I am plenty strong enough--my bench is around 225 for 12 reps---not great, not horrible---but there it is.

My point is this: Lift for YOU. Run for YOU. Eat right for YOU--and when you do all of that, you will accomplish all the other things--like being healthy for your family and getting stronger and impressing people in the gym and looking hot for the opposite sex---but it all starts with YOU.

Sunday, February 11, 2007

Outside people and the pressure that they can apply.

I may ramble a bit here for a second, but at the end, I am sure I will (try to) make my point.

This week, I have listened to so many excuses from non-clients that it makes me want to give them a free month or a few sessions just so that I can say "Since you are my client, I am gonna tell you what I think of your excuses..."

The other thing I have heard plenty of this week is commentary from other fitness people who think that I need to choose one discipline or the other. The fact is that 50% of my clients are weightloss clients and 50% of my clients are fitness clients who are either athletes getting ready for some event or former athletes trying to get back into their sport.

So many people are trying to tell me that I should choose one or the other--to only serve one part of the population. In fact, some of these people control pieces of my cash flow so I have to at least listen to their points--so I do.

But I also know myself and I got into this to help people, not to make buckets of cash (though that would be kinda cool) and I can't help people if I don't super-serve as many people as possible. If I have the knowledge to pass on--I should pass it.

My point is this: The two biggest distractions that I had this week didn't come from myself. As usual, they came from other people.

Whether is was a potential client wasting my time by telling me every excuse in the book as to why they don't or can't or won't work out or eat right; to outside sources trying to tell me how to run my business. And as usual, I had to find a way around all of this in order to have a good attitude and a good personal life...and then I came up with a new personal quote.

Whenever someone begins to tell me how horrible their life is or how their boss is a jerk or their husband eats like a pig or how their friends don't support their new lifestyle choices, I think I will just say:

"If it makes you feel any better, my life is great!"

Hey, my job as a trainer doesn't stop in the gym. I can help people get centered, get healthy, get in shape, get faster, get stronger or become a slammin' hottie--but only if they WANT to do it.

And finally you see my point. For those of you that WANT the help, regardless of your goals or your current situation; HERE I AM!--Let's do it! Regardless of the outside pressures that we have in our lives, at some point we have to say "You know what...I gotta do this for myself and for no one else!"

Then you can say to all those people who try to bring you down--

"If it makes you feel any better, my life is great!"

p.s. I know you are probably sick of that picture, but I don't have my new ones yet!

Monday, February 05, 2007

Quick reminder--

Just a quick reminder for all you new-beeies---

I can't get your workouts done until you complete AT LEAST part of your fitness assessment online. For those of you that signed up with me early enough to have your F.A. done by me; you're done. But the rest of you need to do that before I can get your workouts completed.

See you around!
